Logo de Rodrux, Rodrigo Goitia





FotografĂ­a de Rodrigo Goitia



I build web applications with broad understanding of the problem to obtain effective and adaptable solutions. I aspire to address major global challenges, particularly in areas related to climate change and social inequalities.

- Rodrigo Goitia


Fullstack Developer - Ultra

Jan 2023 - Present

  • Developed and maintained various features of the CRM, using React.js and PHP.

  • Development of a new automation tool for clients' file validation.

  • Maintenance and development of internal data extraction systems, designed to facilitate data analysis.

  • Ultra is a bolivian startup that facilitate the acquisition of multiple products in flexible and affordable installments, with 100% digital approval in minutes.

Frontend Developer - Freelance

Mar 2022 - Jan 2023

  • Designed and developed a dynamic website, using React.js and Next.js, for the hotel promotion, booking, and guest check-in registration processes.

  • Introduced a dedicated section to showcase the hotel's exhibition pieces using QR codes.

  • Implemented multi-language support, extending its reach and appeal to international guests.

My Projects

Rodrux Player

This is a web page to practice animations and mockup with html and css. The page has neuromorphic design and few interactions with buttons.

  • javascript

Image of the project

"La Casa de Teresita" Hotel Web Page

This is a freelance project for the promotion, booking and guest and guest check-in registration. The web page allows the hotel to have an extra channel for reservations and extends the guest experience within the hotel. The web page has multi-language support and use some Google APIs.

  • javascript

  • react.js

  • next.js

Image of the project

Coin Watcher

A web app to see cryptocoins and tokens information. The page brings the information from Coingecko's API. The user can search coins by title and see the coin's information, a coin convertor and some related coins to look after. It has simple unit testing with Jest and Testing Library for some components and uses Redux to manage the state.

  • javascript

  • react.js

  • redux

Image of the project

Buying List

This web app let you save your buying list, check the items you bought and delete the items. It saves the items list in the browser's local storage . This project uses React.js and its hooks to manage the state.

  • javascript

  • react.js

Image of the project

Cesar Cipher Game

This is a game to decipher some words using Cesar Cipher. This page also let you cipher or decipher your own messages. This page follows the instruction in a project of Laboratoria's Bootcamp.

  • javascript

  • jest

Image of the project

Trivia GOTR

This is a Trivia game about Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Ring. You have to answer six questions in 30 seconds each. Then you see the wrong and correct answers. If time runs out you have to play again. This page follows the instruction in a project of Laboratoria's Bootcamp.

  • javascript

  • jest

Image of the project


  • Develop responsive web pages or web apps with a high level of detail in design and user experience.

  • Use APIs to show and change information in features according the business logic using storytelling.

  • Optimize performance to reduce load time and improve user experience.

  • Ensure great accessibility in features for screen-readers and keyboard navigation.

  • Develop reusable and quality code and its technical documentation.

  • I look for new points of view and an inclusive work space through effective communication and active listening.

  • I give feedback with honesty and kindness, looking the best way to reach team objectives.

  • I am relentlessly curious in many topics and that makes me look creative and innovative solutions to problems.

  • I am a very organized person and try to reach my objectives fast and effectively.

  • I am in C1 level of English proficiency and I am a Spanish native speaker.

  • Don't be afraid to create, jump and you'll figure it out in the fell.

  • Never stop learning and share what you learn.

  • We must take action to revert the climate change, we owe it to nature.

  • It's forbidden to exclude, life is diverse and there's the key to grow.

  • Accept what you can't control and spend time and effort in what you can.

  • Look after those who you love and care about, people and experience are what life's about.


  • GIT

  • HTML

  • CSS